I am a junior studying broadcast news and political science. The past two years at WSU I have been a spirit leader on the cheer squad serving as a flyer. I have participated in student government, and I am currently the Murrow College representative on the ASWSU senate. I am an active member of Cable 8, our only television focused club, which helps students in all areas of production, and talent to develop their skills for the workforce. While being a part of Cable 8, I have been a television assistant for Cougzone, as well as Wazzu-Recap, and I am heading up a new project next year as a co-producer of a show called: CougHer News. This will be a program with all female talent roles and will mock a real newscast. I am proud to say it is the first of its kind. I am excited to have the opportunity to mentor and inspire new generations of cougs being a Student Ambassador! Ciao!

Fun fact about me: I can do a flip!