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Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

Wei Peng

  1. Assistant Professor
  2. Graduate Faculty
LocationMurrow Hall 211



Dr. Peng earned his Ph.D. from the University of Miami. He enjoys working with students from different backgrounds. For several years prior to academia, he worked as an award-winning multimedia designer, specializing in video and animation production. He is passionate about visual storytelling. In his free time, he loves traveling and outdoor sports, aspiring to visit and experience as many places and cultures as possible.

Teaching Interests

  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Strategic Communication/Persuasion
  • Health Communication

Research Interests

  • Strategic Communication and Persuasion
  • Health Promotion and Campaign
  • Emotional Processes and Effects
  • Media Production and Design

Dr. Peng is interested in emotions related to health-related information processing and decision making. His research investigates the role of emotions in social support and coping with risk and uncertainty outside traditional health care settings. The research helps him evaluate the effectiveness of emotion-based communication interventions for improving the uptake of prevention and treatment. Dr. Peng also examines various intersecting issues, including digital media, social sharing, and information-seeking behaviors, to improve the theoretical and practical significance of the scholarship. His past research has been published in leading peer-review journals and awarded top papers at national and international conferences.

Research Collaborations

Dr. Peng welcomes collaborations with researchers from different academic backgrounds. Most recently, he has worked with interdisciplinary teams to develop and evaluate two community-based interventions for HIV-positive populations in Miami, Florida. His experience also includes collaborative efforts to advance the enrollment of cancer clinical trials and precision medicine among minority communities. Contact Dr. Peng at to discuss research partnership and collaboration.

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

  • Peng, W. & Huang, Q. (2019). An examination of surprise and emotions in the processing of anecdotal evidence. Health Communication, 35(6), 766-777. doi:10.1080/10410236.2019.1587813
  • Peng, W., Morgan S. E., Mao B., Mcfarlane S. J., Occa A., Grinfeder, G., & Byrne, M. M. (2019). Ready to make a decision: A model of information aids to improve informed participation in clinical trial research. Journal of Health Communication. 24(12), 865-877. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2019.1680773
  • Huang, Q., Peng, W., & Ahn, S. (2020). When media become the mirror: A meta-analysis on media and body image. Media Psychology. doi: 10.1080/15213269.2020.1737545
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