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Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

Stacey Hust

  1. Dean of Faculty Affairs and College Operations
  2. Professor
  3. Graduate Faculty
LocationGoertzen Hall 101B



Stacey J.T. Hust (Ph.D., 2005, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) is a professor of communication and Dean of Faculty Affairs and college operations in The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. She is nationally ranked by the Communication Institute for Online Scholarship for her health communication research focused on media and children, gender, conflict (sexual assault reduction), and substance abuse prevention. Her research identifies effective health communication messaging that can be used to reduce sexual assault and promote healthy sexual relationships among young people.

She also investigates the media’s effects on youths’ romantic and sexual relationships. She and Kathleen Boyce Rodgers received the 2014 Mary Ann Yodelis Smith Award for Feminist Research from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Hust and Rodgers also earned one of two National Council on Family Relations Innovation Grants in 2014. Dr. Hust is ranked 28th out of 3,091 national and international authors for the number of top conference papers (source: AEJMC).

Hust’s research has been published in the Journal of Sex Research, Journal of Health Communication, Health Communication, Mass Communication & Society, and others. Her research has been sponsored by the United States Department of Education, the Washington State Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse, and the Washington State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Research Program.


Scripting Adolescent Romance:
Adolescents Talk About Romantic Relationships and Media’s Sexual Scripts


  • Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Classes Taught

  • Public Relations Management and Campaign Design
  • Gender and the Mass Media
  • Seminars in Public Relations
  • Health Communication Theory and Campaigns
  • Professional Marketing Communication Management and Campaigns

Research Interests

  • Use of Media to Reduce Sexual Assault and Promote Healthy Sexual Relationships
  • Parent-Child Communication About Media and Health
  • Media Effects and Strategies to Prevent Alcohol Abuse
  • Gender and the Mass Media

Selected Publications

  • Rodgers, K.B. & Hust, S.J.T. (in press). Sexual objectification in music videos and acceptance of potentially offensive sexual behaviors. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Rodgers, K.B., Ebreo, S., & Stefani, W. (in press). Rape myth acceptance, efficacy, and heterosexual scripts in men’s magazines: Factors associated with intentions to sexually coerce or intervene. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.
  • Hust, S.J.T. & Rodgers, K.B. (expected December 2017). Scripting adolescent romance: Adolescents talk about romantic relationships and media’s sexual scripts. Mediated Youth Series, Peter Lang Publishing.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Adams, P.M., Willoughby, J.F., Ren, C., Lei, M., Ran, W. & Marett, E. (2017). The Entertainment-Education Strategy in Sexual Assault Prevention: A Comparison of Theoretical Foundations and a Test of Effectiveness in a College Campus Setting. Journal of Health Communication, 22 (9), 721-731.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Rodgers, K.B., & Bayly, B. (2017). Sexual consent negotiation and college students’ confidence in avoiding IPV perpetration. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, 66, 197-210.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Marett, E., Lei, M., Ren, C. & Ran, W. (2015). Law & Order, CSI, and NCIS: The association between exposure to crime drama franchises, rape myth acceptance and sexual consent negotiation behaviors among college students. Journal of Health Communication, 20. 1369-1381.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Marett, E.G., Ren, C., Adams, P.M., Willoughby, J.F., Lei, M., Ran, W., & Norman, C. (2014). Establishing and adhering to sexual consent: The association between reading magazines and college students’ sexual consent negotiation. The Journal of Sex Research.
  • Ren, C., Hust, S.J.T., Zhang, P. (2014). Chinese newspapers’ coverage of HIV transmission over a decade (2000-2010): Where HIV/AIDS Stigma Arises. Chinese Journal of Communication.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Lei, M., Ren, C., Chang, H., McNab, A., Marett, E.M., & Willoughby, J. (2013). The effects of sports media exposure on beliefs and healthy intentions related to sexual assault. Mass Communication & Society.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Marett, E.G., Lei, M., Chang, H., Ren, C., McNab, A. & Adams, P. (2013). Health Promotion Messages in Entertainment Media: Crime Drama Viewership and Intentions to Intervene in a Sexual Assault Situation. Journal of Health Communication.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Rodgers, K.B., & Ran, W. (2013). Gendered sexual scripts in music lyrics and music videos popular among adolescents. In Cory Armstrong (Ed.) Gender & Media, Lexington Books.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Wong, W.J., & Chen, Y.Y. (2011). FCP and mediation styles: Factors associated with parents’ intentions to let their children watch violent, sexual and family-oriented television content. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media.
  • Lee, M., Hust, S.J.T., Zhang, L.,* & Zhang, Y.* (2011). Effects of violence against women in crime dramas on viewers’ attitudes related to sexual violence. Mass Communication & Society, 14, 25-44.
  • Hust, S.J.T., Brown, J.D., & L’Engle, K.L. (2008). Boys will be boys and girls better be prepared: An analysis of the rare sexual health messages in young adolescents’ media. Mass Communication & Society, 11 (1), 1-21.
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