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Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

Rebecca L. Cooney

  1. Associate Professor
  2. Professor of Practice
  3. Les Smith Distinguished Professor
LocationJackson Hall 200D



Rebecca Cooney is a Les Smith Distinguished Professor at The Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. With 28 years of experience in professional communication, she is dedicated to pursuing projects and scholarly activities that advance the field of integrated marketing communication, and she has a passion for developing innovative learning experiences. As a full-time educator for the past 12 years, she has trained more than 2,500 students and worked with multiple regional health organizations in the design, development, and delivery of dozens of multimodal training programs and workshops tailored for adult learners including prevention specialists, social workers, substance abuse providers, staff educators, and health communication specialists in rural communities. Rebecca is an award-winning professor whose talents in teaching and scholarship have been recognized by multiple organizations including six educator fellowships, President’s Distinguished Teaching Award for Career-Track Faculty, and the Muriel Oaks Award for innovation in teaching. Outside of teaching, she is a co-investigator and communications strategist on a 10-year NCCIH/NIH-funded grant called the Center of Excellence for Natural Product-Drug Interaction Research, primary coordinator for undergraduate assessment initiatives for Murrow College, consultant for Google Play Academy as an instructional designer and content creator for certification Study Jams in India and Indonesia, and assessment coordinator and instructional designer for the WA-state funded Murrow News Fellowship program. She also recently concluded nine years of service as Director of Murrow Online Programs. She is professionally certified in learning experience design (LXD) and holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in communications.



  • MS Eastern Washington University, Communications (Dec 2023)
  • California State University Sacramento – Organizational Communication (Dec 1996)
  • Certified, Learning Experience Design (LXD) – Oregon State University (June 2021)

Classes Taught

  • COMSTRAT 701 – Online MA Capstone
  • COMSTRAT 563 – Professional Digital Content Promotion
  • COMSTRAT 562 – Advanced Media Strategies and Techniques
  • COMSTRAT 480 – Advertising Agency Operations and Campaigns
  • COMSTRAT 476 – Consumer Insights and Branding
  • COMSTRAT 383 – Media Strategies and Techniques for PR
  • COMSTRAT 310 – Digital Content Promotion
  • COMSTRAT 475 – PR Seminar
  • COM 101 – Media and Society

Research Interests

Rebecca Cooney bridges her professional experience with her passion for research and discovery. In 2013, she worked on a research project for the Miller Coors/Alcoholic Beverage Medical Research Foundation called Great Plays where she provided support and expertise in email, web development, and analytics. She is a co-investigator for the Center of Excellence in Natural-Product Drug Interaction Research (NaPDI), a 10-year NIH/NCCHIH-funded grant ($20m). She serves on the Informatics Core alongside Murrow College’s Dean Bruce Pinkleton. They manage the main website, lead communication strategy, support subject recruitment campaigns, and lead their social media strategy. Their multi-channel outreach efforts for two subject recruitment campaigns in 2021-2022 directly contributed to the success of meeting objectives in the recruitment of 40 research subjects for important studies of kratom and goldenseal.


  • Les Smith Distinguished Professor (2023-2026)
  • Chosen Coug Finalist – Top 50 (Apr 2023)
  • Stukent Professor of the Month (March 2023)
  • President’s Distinguished Teaching Award for Career-Track Faculty (Mar 2021)
  • AEJMC Best practices in Teaching with collaborators Chelsea Thomas and Cara Hawkins-Jedlicka (2021)
  • Provost Featured Faculty Member (Nov 2019)
  • Oaks Academic Technology Award (May 2019)
  • WaCLA PR Campaign Awardee with collaborator Ryan Risenmay (2016)


  • Kopenhaver Fellow – Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Comm. (2022-present)
  • Granger Cobb Faculty Fellow – Granger Cobb Institute for Senior Living (2022-present)
  • PhDigital Fellow – Knight Foundation (2022)
  • LIFT Fellow – (Learn. Inspire. Foster. Transform.)- Office of the Provost WSU Transformational Change Initiative (2018)
  • Visiting Professor in Social Media partnered with The Sacramento Bee – Scripps Howard Foundation (2015)
  • Educator Fellow partnered with Harley Davidson Motor Company – Betsy Plank Center (2014)

Awards Prior to 2012

  • 2010 Bronze Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Award (University of Idaho Presidential Launch Campaign 2009)
  • 2008 Spark Awards Award of Excellence in the Student Category for Spokane MarComm Association (Whitworth University integrated communications work for Young Life)
  • 2007 Adjunct Faculty Member of the Year (Whitworth University)
  • 1998-2003 Eastern Washington University – University Relations was honored with several awards from CASE, the “Admissions Report” magazine awards, the Spokane Advertising Federation Addy awards, and the Spokane PRSA SPARC awards for various publications
  • 2003 Spark Awards Award of Excellence for Spokane MarComm Association
    (EWU Identity Standards Manual)
  • 1997 Silver Cappie Award – Sacramento PRSA (Expo/160 connection project for the City of Sacramento)
  • 1997 Silver Cappie Award – Sacramento PRSA (PR campaign promoting CA Concrete Masonry Association)
  • 1996 Gold Cappie Award – Sacramento PRSA (Green Planet Juicery feature story)

Selected Publications

Academic Texts

  • Cooney, R.L. (2023) PR & Advertising. In B.N. Fisby & R. Kaufmann (Eds.), Teaching Communication Series: Pedagogical Resources. Cognella.
  • Cooney, R. L. (2016 & 2018). “Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns,” 2nd ed. Dubuque, IA: Great River Learning. ISBN #9781680757965, 2nd Edition.

Refereed Publications

  • Cooney, R.L., Hawkins-Jedlicka, C., Thomas, C. “Innovations in Teaching Digital Campaigns Using a Collaborative Teaching Model.” Best Practices in Teaching Skills Courses Online. The 2021 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Symposium. August 4, 2021. Virtual Conference. Retrieved from
  • Cooney, C., Cooney, R.L. “A Student-focused approach to cultivating a creative innovation ecosystem” 2018 EDUCAUSE Conference, Denver, CO, October 30, 2018.
  • Boyce RD, Ragueneau-Majlessi I, Yu J, Tay-Sontheimer J, Kinsella C, Chou E, Brochhausen M, Judkins J, Gufford BT, Pinkleton BE, Cooney R.L, Paine MF, McCune JS. Developing user personas to aid in the design of a user-centered natural product-drug interaction information resource for researchers. AIMA Annu Symp Proc 279-287, 2018.
    PMID: 30815066 PMCID: PMC6371317
  • Boyce RD, Ragueneau-Majlessi I, Yu J, Tay-Sontheimer J, Kinsella C, Chou E, Brochhausen M, Judkins J, Gufford BT, Pinkleton BE, Cooney R.L, Paine MF, McCune JS. Developing user personas to aid in the design of a user-centered natural product-drug interaction information resource for researchers. AMIA Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium. 2018:279-287.
  • Boyce RD, Ragueneau-Majlessi I, Yu J, Sontheimer J, Kinsella K, Brochhausen M, Judkins J, Pinkleton B, Cooney R.L, Paine MF, McCune JS: “Toward a reliable and interoperable public repository for natural product-drug interaction study data” 2017 Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, Washington, DC, November 6, 2017.

National / International Published Articles

Regional Published Articles & Posters

Internationally Recognized Blog Series’

  • Online Teaching Tips Series – Mar 2020-Oct 2021 (45 posts, 16,234 views, 10,808 visitors)

Conference Presentations

Accepted Proposals & Panels – International / National Extended Workshops & Special Projects

  • Facilitator and Trainer: The Aga Khan University Graduate School of Media Communication professional development series. Topic: Social Media for Communicators: A Discussion About Converting Existing In-Person Training to Synchronous and Asynchronous Delivery (Apr 26, 2021 / 20 attendees)
  • Co-Presenter: Served on team of five Murrow faculty who designed a 4-part series for the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery (HECAOD). Together we created and presented “Social Your Media: How to Enlist, Engage, and Activate Your Audience.” I co-presented with Chelsea Thomas. Session 3: Strategically Crafting Your Digital Campaign (Mar 25, 2021) and Session 4: Engaging Your Audience and Evaluating Success (Apr 15, 2021 / 100 attendees)
  • Facilitator and Trainer: The Aga Khan University Graduate School of Media Communication professional development series. Topic: Engaging the Media Goes Virtual: An Interactive Exercise in Converting In-Person Training to Synchronous Delivery (Mar 11, 2021 / 20 attendees)
  • Facilitator and Keynote Speaker for Pacific Northwest National Lab StoryLab series. Topic: Creating and Cultivating Your Online Presence (Jan 19, 2021 / 35 attendees)
  • Keynote Speaker and Webinar Facilitator for Syracuse University Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE). Topic: Let Your Voice Be Heard: Effective Online Communication (July 22, 2020 / 35 attendees)

Accepted Proposals & Panels – International / National Panels & Presentations

  • Panelist at PRSA Educators Academy Summit with Joseph Stabb (University of Tennessee, Knoxville), Nandini Bhalla (Texas State University), and Nicholas Browning (Indiana University). Topic: How to Teach PR Writing Online: A Practical Approach to Creating Engaging and Meaningful Curriculum Regardless of Modality (Nov 12, 2022 / 20 attendees)
  • Panelist at AEJMC 2022 on the AEJMC Visual Communication Division Innovations in Teaching Panel. Topic: Social Network Webbing (Aug 5, 2022 / 20 attendees)
  • Panelist with Justin Barnes, Chelsea Thomas, and Ben Pingel. Topic: Bringing human touch to a virtual classroom: Innovative ways for digital connection to be reimagined and enhanced.” Presented at the Digital Teaching Symposium (April 21, 2022 / 30 attendees)
  • Panelist at AEJMC 2021 on the Innovations in Teaching panel. Topic: Virtual Peer Evaluation Exercise in Small Groups (Aug 6, 2021 / 35 attendees)
  • Panelist at AEJMC 2021 with Cara Hawkins-Jedlicka and Chelsea Thomas for the Best Practices in Teaching Skills Courses Online. Topic: Innovations in Teaching Digital Campaigns Using a Collaborative Teaching Model (Aug 4, 2021 / 40 attendees)
  • Presenter, Pellissippi State Community College Distance Learning Conference. Topic: Assessment Techniques to Inform Study Learning in the Virtual Space (June 22, 2021 / 25 attendees)
  • Panelist, Partners in Campus, and Community Engagement (PICCE) Community Engagement Institute (CEI) 2021 with Cara Hawkins-Jedlicka, Liz Candello, Chelsea Thomas, Ben Pingel, and Corrie Wilder. Topic: Engaging and Transforming Students through Discipline-Based and Project-Based Engagement. (May 26, 2021 / 45 attendees)
  • Study Panelist: Delphi Study on Online Journalism and Mass Communication Education. Led by Brian Delaney, Co-Investigator from Drexel University School of Education and Dr. Kristen Betts, Principal Investigator from Drexel University School of Education (2020-2021)
  • Panelist: AEJMC 2020 Innovations in Teaching Panel. Topic: Canva in 5 and the Elation of Creation (Aug, 2020 / 50 attendees)
  • External reviewer for Rayce Bird in his promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor in the Virtual Technology and Design Program at the University of Idaho (July 2020)
  • Panelist: GivePulse e-Service Learning: Best Practices and Shared Experiences (July 2020 / 60 attendees)
  • Judge: AEJMC Logo Contest for AEJMC Annual Conference (Mar 2020)
  • Panelist, AEJMC Southeast Panel We pivot together: How are we making the online conversion in light of COVID-19 (Mar 2020 / 20 attendees)

Invited Presentations, Training Sessions, and Workshops – International / National Sessions (Global Audience)

  • Facilitator and Session Leader, Rural Opioid Technical Assistance – Pacific Southwest webinar. Topic: Follow-Up Session: Open-Forum Discussion on Implementing Effective Social Media & Outreach Strategies in Rural Communities (Sep 28, 2023) / 25 registered
  • Facilitator and Session Leader, Rural Opioid Technical Assistance – Pacific Southwest webinar. Topic: Effective Social Media Marketing & outreach for Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery Support in Rural Areas (Sep 13, 2023) / 96 registered
  • Keynote Speaker, American Marketing Association; sponsored by Stukent webinar. Topic: Enhancing Learning Through Immersive Experiences (Sep 7, 2023) / 156 registered
  • Facilitator & Session Leader, Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Pacific SW – Prevention Media Series Webinars. Topic: Social Media Best Practices (June 20, 2023)
  • Panelist, Stukent ProfCon 2023. Topic: The Efficacy of Simternships (June 16, 2023)
  • Session Leader, Stukent Digital Summit. Topic: Simternships in the Classroom: Enhancing Learning Through Immersive Experiences (May 5, 2023 / 450 registered)
  • Facilitator & Session Leader, Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Northwest – Prevention Media Series Webinars. Topic: Social Media Best Practices (Mar 21, 2023 / 190 attendees
  • Keynote Speaker, WSU Global Coug Leadership Program. Topic: Finding Your Voice on Social Media: An Exercise in Optimizing Your Online Presence (Feb 14, 2023)
  • Keynote Speaker, WSU Global Coug Leadership Program. Topic: Finding Your Voice on Social Media: An Exercise in Optimizing Your Online Presence (Nov 1, 2022)
  • Book Chapter Review: Cooney, R.L. (2022, October 20). Chapter 5. Customer Experience and Customer Engagement and Chapter 7. Social Networks, Blogs, and Forums [Review of the book Social Media Strategy: Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations in the Consumer Revolution, by Quesenberry, K.] Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Keynote Speaker, WSU Global Campus Leadership Certificate Program: Effective Online Communication: Integrity and Professionalism in the Virtual Space (Oct 2020, Oct 2021, Mar 2021, and Feb 2022)
  • Keynote Speaker, WSU Global Connections: Professional Online Portfolio Tips and Tricks (Feb 8, 2022)
  • Keynote Speaker, WSU Global Connections. Topic: Careers in Communication (Apr 14, 2021)
  • Portfolio Reviewer: VCU Robertson School of Media and Culture “VCU Portfolio Show” (Apr 2020)
  • Panel Moderator: Coug Virtual Career Panel “Coug Media Team Career Happy Hour” (Apr 2020)
  • Led workshop at Global Campus 2019 Rendezvous in Seattle, WA. Title: “Shaping Your Identity: An Exercise in Personal Branding” (March 2019)
  • Presenter & Moderator, Online MA Strategic Communications: Global Campus Online Info Sessions, 2x/mo in fall and spring semesters (2014-2018)
  • Training coordinator, Panopto with WSU Academic Outreach, and Innovation (Nov 7, 2018)
  • Facilitator for workshop as part of AOI Innovative Teaching Series: “Strategies for Enhancing Student Success” – Provided an overview of active learning, just in time teaching techniques, and peer instruction. (Sep 18, 2018)
  • Panelist, LinkedIn Advice Panel, WSU Alumni Association and Global Campus partnership – (April 26, 2017)
  • Host of two-part webinar series for WSU Global Campus Global Connections program #BrandYou: 1) Personal brand profile development and creating a content strategy in the digital space; 2) Taking your personal brand and implementing it with digital and social media platforms with an emphasis on social channels, LinkedIn profile and online portfolio (April 2016)
  • Panelist, Social Media & Your Career: Advice Panel hosted by WSU Alumni Association & Global Connections (May 28, 2015)
  • Faculty Moderator, Designing Online Courses: Global Campus Faculty-Led Workshop Series (Dec 2014)
  • Session Presenter, TechEd Conference: The Digital Classroom: Web-Based Tools Integration in the Classroom. Motivate. Excite. Inspire. (Sep 2014)
  • Presenter, LinkedIn Workshop for students hosted by WSU Alumni Association & Global Connections Sessions in Feb, June, and Oct 2013

Invited Presentations, Training Sessions, and Workshops – Washington State University Sessions (Regional / State-wide Audience)

  • Co-Presenter, Core To Career with Marie Mayes, Carson College of Business. Topic: Communication and Professionalism (Sep 27, 2023)
  • Session Co-Leader with Chris Cooney, WESKA Skills and Knowledge Accelerator. Topic: Be Your own Brand: Personal Brand Management for an Entrepreneur, LinkedIn (June 13, 2023)
  • Session Leader, Carson College Development Conference in Spokane, WA. Topic: Build Your Brand on Social Media (May 11, 2022)
  • Co-Presenter, Murrow Executive Education Program. Social Your Media Series with Chelsea Thomas. Topics: Session 3: Strategically Crafting Your Digital Campaign (Oct 19, 2021) and Session 4: Engaging Your Audience and Evaluating Success (Oct 26, 2021)
  • Co-Presenter, Core To Career with Marie Mayes, Carson College of Business. Topic: Communication and Professionalism (Oct 13, 2022)
  • Keynote Speaker, Digital Media Club. Topic: Professional Online Portfolio Workshop (Apr 26, 2022)
  • Presenter at WSU Athletics The Cougar Pursuit series on Name, Image, and Likeness and the College Athlete. Topic: Optimizing Your Online Presence (Jan 19, 2022)
  • Co-Presenter with Chelsea Thomas at Student Success and Professional Development (SSPD) WSU Pharmacy course. Topic: MA Health Communication and Promotion Graduate Certificate and Degree Programs (various 2020-2022)
  • Co-Presenter, Core To Career with Marie Mayes, Carson College of Business. Topic: Communication and Professionalism (Oct 7, 2021)
  • Presenter at WSU Athletics The Cougar Pursuit series on Name, Image, and Likeness and the College Athlete. Topic: Optimizing Your Online Presence (Sep 27, 2021)
  • Presenter at WSU Athletics The Cougar Pursuit series on Name, Image, and Likeness and the College Athlete. Topic: Optimizing Your Online Presence (July 14, 2021)
  • Faculty-Led Workshop for Academic Outreach and Innovation Produce. Learn. Achieve. Network. – focus on the Oaks Academic Technology Award (Feb 2020)
  • Campus Community Forum panel presentation for Center for Civic Engagement partnership with Whitman County Public Health. Topic: A partnership in public health awareness (April 18, 2019)
  • Facilitator for faculty-led workshop for Academic Outreach and Innovation. Topic: Goals and Outcomes, and the Creation of Effective Rubrics – Provided an overview, support materials, and discussion around creating effective rubrics. (Nov 13, 2018)
  • Panelist and presenter, Provost Academic Innovation and Expansion as part of Chairs and Directors Forum (April 4, 2017)
  • Emcee, Three Minute Thesis, College of Education (Mar 28, 2017)
  • Participant, Workshop “Designing Effective Capstone Assignments: Strengthening Learning, Improving Success” sponsored by the Office of Assessment of Teaching and Learning (May 2017)
  • Presenter, Fall Faculty Academic Technology Forum, Using Blackboard in the Hybrid Class (Nov 9, 2016)
  • Guest lecture, Online Impact: Optimization and Driving Web Traffic, College of Business Entrepreneurial Center for Entrepreneurial Studies Resource Night (Feb 2015)
  • Guest Lecture, ENTR 496 Entrepreneurship: Brand & Message Platforms with Dr. Howard Davis (Mar 2014)
  • Guest Lecture, ENTR 496 Entrepreneurship: Best Practices in Presentation Design: with Dr. Howard Davis (Mar 2014)
  • Guest Speaker, Keynote Presenter, Building Your Personal Brand – Your Digital Footprint: Residential Life In-Service (Feb 2014)
  • Faculty Host, Emerging Professionals Dinner: WSU Counseling & Career Development, (March 2013)
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