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Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

Jennifer Henrichsen

  1. Assistant Professor
  2. Graduate Faculty
LocationGoertzen Hall 214



Jennifer R. Henrichsen is an Assistant Professor at the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. She is also an Affiliated Fellow at the Information Society Project at Yale Law School. In August 2021, she received her Ph.D. from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania.

Henrichsen’s research examines how adversaries exploit weaknesses in the spread of information across organizations and institutions to contaminate the information ecosystem and to erode trust in knowledge systems. Specifically, she assesses how these and other challenges — from state and corporate surveillance to physical and digital attacks against the media — are creating an epistemic crisis for journalism. Her dissertation research examined journalistic intransigence to change and what that means for journalism and its role in democracy.

Henrichsen’s research has been published in top peer-reviewed journals, including Communication, Culture & Critique; Digital Journalism; Journalism Practice; the Journal of Global Indigeneity; Media, War & Conflict; and New Media & Society. In 2019, she received a top student paper award from the journalism studies division of the International Communication Association for her paper “Reconceptualizing Indigenous Journalism through Information Poverty Theory.” She twice has been a consultant to UNESCO where she produced global reports on the state of journalism and she has served as a consultant to the Knight Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. She was previously on the Advisory Council for the Open Technology Fund and the Steering Committee for the Center for Media at Risk at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania. Henrichsen has written articles about journalism and information security for Columbia Journalism Review and Poynter and she was previously a freelance journalist and a political correspondent.

Henrichsen has received fellowships from Yale, Columbia University, the University of Fribourg, the Kopenhaver Center, the Knight Foundation, and First Look Media. A Fulbright Research Scholar, Jennifer holds MA degrees from the University of Geneva and the University of Pennsylvania. In 2011, she co-wrote the book, War on Words: Who Should Protect Journalists? (Praeger) and in 2017 she co-edited the book, Journalism After Snowden: The Future of the Free Press in a Surveillance State (Columbia University Press). She is currently co-editing the book, National Security, Journalism and Law in the Age of Information Warfare, which is forthcoming with Oxford University Press.


  • PhD, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
  • Master of Arts in Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
  • Master of Advanced Studies in International and European Security, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Political Science, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA

Classes Taught

  • News and Society
  • New Communication Technologies
  • Digital Security

Research Interests

  • Information security
  • Journalistic norms, values, and practices
  • Surveillance
  • Journalist safety
  • Democracy
  • Misinformation/Disinformation


  • Fellow, Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication, 2022-2023
  • Florida International University
  • Affiliated Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law School 2021-Present
  • Gressly-Fleck Visiting Scholar, Department of Communication and Media Research 2021-2023
  • University of Fribourg, Switzerland
  • Visiting Fellow, Information Society Project, Yale Law School 2020-2021
  • Graduate Associate, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania 2020-2021
  • Top Student Paper Award, International Communication Association, Journalism Studies 2019
  • Knight News Innovation Fellow, Tow Center for Digital Journalism 2018-2019
  • Graduate Research Fellowship–Honorable Mention, National Science Foundation 2016
  • Emerging Scholar Fellow, Milton Wolf Seminar on Media and Diplomacy 2016
  • First Look Media Technology Fellow, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press 2015
  • Contracted Researcher and Author, UNESCO 2013–2014
  • Fulbright Research Fellow to Switzerland, U.S. Department of State 2008-2009

Selected Publications

Selected publications represent a small sample of research. Additional sample publications are available upon request. Please contact faculty member to discuss most recent research work.

Download CV


Ambinder, M., Henrichsen, J.R., & Rosati, C. (Eds.). (Manuscript in preparation). National Security, Journalism, and Law in the Age of Information Warfare. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Bell, E., & Owen, T. (Eds.) (with Khorana, S., & Henrichsen, J.R.). (2017). Journalism After Snowden: The Future of the Free Press in the Surveillance State. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Lisosky, J. M., & Henrichsen, J.R. (2011). War on Words: Who Should Protect Journalists? Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Press.

Refereed Journal Articles

Henrichsen, J.R. (In Press). Boundaries, Barriers, and Champions: Understanding Digital Security Education in U.S. Journalism Programs. Journalism Studies.

Henrichsen, J.R. (2022). Reconceptualizing Indigenous Journalism Through Boundaries, Small Worlds, and Information Poverty. Journal of Global Indigeneity, 6(3), 1-17.

Henrichsen, J.R., & Shelton, M. (2022). Expanding the Analytical Boundaries of Mob Censorship: How Technology and Infrastructure Enable Novel Threats to Journalists and Strategies for Mitigation. Digital Journalism. DOI: 10.1080/21670811.2022.2112520

Henrichsen, J.R. (2022). Understanding Nascent Newsroom Security and Safety Cultures: The Emergence of the “Security Champion.” Journalism Practice, 16(9), 1829-1848. DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2021.1927802

Maris, E., Libert, T., & Henrichsen, J.R. (2020). Tracking Sex: The Implications of Widespread Sexual Data Leakage and Tracking on Porn Websites. New Media & Society, 22(11), 2018-2038. DOI: 10.1177/1461444820924632

Henrichsen, J.R. (2020). Journalists’ Mnemonic Techniques and the Rise of Trumpism. Communication, Culture & Critique, 13(1), 125-129. DOI:10.1093/ccc/tcz052.

Henrichsen, J.R. (2020). Breaking Through the Ambivalence: Journalistic Responses to Information Security Technologies. Digital Journalism, 8(3), 328-346. DOI:10.1080/21670811.2019.1653207

Lisosky, J. M., & Henrichsen, J.R. (2009). Don’t Shoot the Messenger: Protecting Journalists in Conflict Situations. Media, War and Conflict, 2(2), 129–148.

Book Chapters

Henrichsen, J.R. (Manuscript in preparation). The Secret Political Economy of Surveillance Technologies. In Marc Ambinder, Jennifer R. Henrichsen, & Connie Rosati (Eds.), National Security, Journalism, and Law in the Age of Information Warfare. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Henrichsen, J.R. (2019). The Emergence of Contemporary Populisms and Mediated Discourses: An Introduction. In Nelson Ribeiro (Ed.), Media and Populism. Research Centre for Communication and Culture, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa.

Henrichsen, J.R., & Yazbeck, N. (2017). Cues for Considering What Journalism Could Be. In Barbie Zelizer, What Journalism Could Be. Cambridge, MA: Polity Press.

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