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Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

Hyelim Lee

  1. Assistant Professor
LocationMurrow Hall 215



Hyelim Lee is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Communication at Washington State University’s Edward R. Murrow College of Communication. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma, specializing in computational public relations, integrating public relations theories with data analytics. Her research explores data-driven approaches and AI methods in communication strategies. She is committed to preparing future communication professionals while staying at the forefront of technological advancements.


  • Ph.D. The University of Oklahoma, USA
  • Doctoral candidate, Seoul National University, South Korea
  • M.A. Seoul National University, South Korea
  • B.A. Yonsei University, South Korea

Classes Taught

  • COM 309 – Quantitative Research Methods (Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
  • COMSTRAT 565 – Marketing Communication Management and Campaigns (Fall 2023)
  • COM 400 – Communicating Technology and Science (Spring 2024)

Selected Publications

Download CV

Lee, H. (2023). The Self-Orientation Model of Communication (SOMC): Self-Orientation primacy and locus of communication. Communication Theory.

Yeo, S., Lee, H.*, & Eschbach, A. (2023). Measuring soft power via positive spontaneous actions of foreign publics: The harder power of voluntary experience, voluntary megaphoning, and general interest. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. *Corresponding Author

Tam, L., & Lee, H. (2023). From conspiracy orientation to conspiracy attribution:
The effects of institutional trust and demographic differences. American Behavioral Scientist.

Lee, H., Andreu Perez, L., & Kim, J. -N. (2022). A duality of belief in conspiracy theories amplification: How active information behavior work differently by trust in Trump and Biden administrations. Online Media and Global Communication.

Park, D. M., Lee, H. & Jeong, S. –H. (2022). Production and correction of misinformation about fine dust: A big data analysis of news from 2009 to 2019. American Behavioral Scientist.

Lee, H., Zhang, X. A., Sung, Y, S., Lee, S. H., & Kim, J. -N. (2022). Symmetry, inclusion, and workplace: Conflicts management effects of two leadership strategies on employee advocacy and departure. Journal of Communication Management.

Chiu, M.M., Park, C.H., Lee, H., Oh, Y. W. & Kim, J. -N. (2022). Dissemination of election fraud fake news within 1,096 social networks: Diffusion scope, speed and shape of author, network, date and message attributes. Media and Communication.10 (2). 66-80.

Kim, N., Kim, J. -N., Lee, H., & Andreu Perez, L. (2022). An oscillatory path to vaccination: Explaining vaccine hesitancy by normative and epistemic factors in covid-19. Health Communication, 1-11.

Chiu, M.M., Kim, J. -N., Lee, H., Oh, Y. W., & Park, C.H. (2022). Fake news threatens liberal democracy: Will artificial intelligence help prevent gaslighting psychotics? Dewey’s Studies. 5(2), 363-387.

Lee, H., & Snow, N. (2021). Gendered experiences in student mobility programs?: Global Korea scholarship recipients’ evaluation of Korea’s country image. Policy & Politics. 49(6), 1343-1358.

Ayhan, K., Gouda, M., & Lee, H. (2021). Exploring global Korea scholarship as a public diplomacy tool. Journal of Asia and African Studies. 00219096211035800.

Grunig, J. E., Kim, J. –N., & Lee, H. (2021). Paradigms of global public relations in an age of digitalization. Hongbohak-Yeongu. 25(1), 1-30. [Korean]

Marczuk, K., Lee, H., & Głuch, S. (2021). Distant partners: The coverage of the Koreas in Poland. Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia, 20(1), 44-72.

Chon, M. -G., Lee, H., & Kim, J. -N. (2020). Values of government public relations for a rocky road to participatory democracy: Testing public engagement, empowerment, and serenity hypotheses in public sector communication. Partecipazione & Conflitto, 13(2), 1110-1131.

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