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Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

Hae Yeon Seo

  1. Ph.D. Student
LocationMurrow Hall 241BA



Hae Yeon Seo, M.A. is a doctoral student in Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University. With a bachelor’s and master’s degree in communication studies, she has demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing the field of health communication and promoting public health. She has participated in various research projects related to substance use, precision medicine, COVID-19 health behavior, and mental health, utilizing quantitative methods such as surveys, quasi-experiments, and content analysis.

Hae Yeon’s primary research focuses on studying the interaction between substance use misinformation and health behavior, with a particular focus on the moderating role of media literacy skills among emerging adults and adolescents. By delving into this area, her research questions aim to answer how misinformation surrounding substance use influences health-related decisions and behaviors among underage minors, and how media literacy skills can potentially mitigate the impact of such misinformation.

In addition to her expertise in health communication, Hae Yeon is expanding her knowledge by pursuing a minor degree in statistics. Recognizing the increasing importance of data analysis in research, she is acquiring the skills necessary to integrate statistical methodologies into her academic work. She has actively engaged in collaborative projects, presented her work at major conferences, and submitted manuscripts in reputable journals. She has been recognized with top student paper awards at major communication conferences, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).


  • M.A., Communication, Yonsei University
  • B.A., Media Communications, University of the Arts London

Classes Taught

  • COM 101 – Media and Society (TA & Instructor-of-record)
  • COM 105 – Communication in Global Contexts (TA)
  • COM 471 – Stereotypes in Communication (TA)
  • COM 479 – Youth and the Media (Instructor-of-record)

Research Interests

  • Health communication
  • Mis/disinformation
  • Substance use
  • Adolescence
  • Media literacy
  • Experimental design
  • Statistical analysis


  • 2023, GPSA Conference Travel Grant, Washington State University
  • 2022, 2nd Top Student Paper Communicating Science, Health, Risk and the Environment Division, AEJMC
  • 2022, GPSA Conference Travel Grant, Washington State University

Conference Presentations

  • Lee, Y. J., & Seo, H. Y. (2023, August). The role of fresh start mindset (FSM) and collectivistic orientation in mental health PSAs [Extended abstract presentation]. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference (Advertising Division), Washington, DC, USA.
  • Seo. H. Y. (2023, August). The third person effect of COVID-19 misinformation and the role of media literacy in health behaviors [Paper presentation]. Annual Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference (Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk Division), Washington, DC, USA.
  • Seo, H. Y., & Zhang, W. (2023, May). A meta-analysis of media literacy interventions for adolescent substance use [Extended abstract presentation]. International Communication Association (ICA) conference (Children, Adolescents, and Media Division), Toronto, Canada.
  • Domgaard, S., & Seo, H. Y. (2022, August). Information literacy and media literacy: The skills needed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 [Paper presentation]. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference (Communicating Science, Health, Environment, and Risk Division), Detroit, MI, USA.
  • Seo, H. Y., & Kim, Y. C. (2018, December). Geographical disparities in health information competence and behaviors in Korea [Paper presentation]. Korea Health Communication Association conference, Seoul, Korea.
  • Seo, H. Y. (2018, November). Identifying influencers in Twitter networks: The case of “fine dust” Talks [Paper presentation]. 9th Honors Symposium for Asian Ph.D. Students in Communication Research, Seoul, Korea.
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