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Edward R. Murrow College of Communication



I. Mission

The Murrow Professional Advisory Board is a dedicated group of alumni and/or supporters who serve the College by offering expert guidance in helping Murrow meet and exceed its goals. To that end, board members will engage and participate in activities as defined in Section III.

II. Membership

The board will consist of not fewer than 20 and not more than 30 Active Members, with at least one member representing recent graduates as defined by the WSU Foundation President’s Associates Giving Levels. The board shall strive to align the board composition, including both Active and Affiliate memberships, to reflect Murrow’s student population and projected industry trends.

In addition to active members, board membership may also consist of Affiliate and Emeritus board members as outlined below.

Active Members

Active Members shall be currently working in or have spent a significant portion of their career in the communication industry, or industries closely associated with communication, and achieved a level of success in their respective discipline. In addition, Active Members are required to philanthropically support Murrow College annually at the WSU President’s Associates Level, as defined by the WSU Foundation. Upon request, special circumstances will be considered by the Dean and the Senior Director of Development. Corporate or organizational gifts are encouraged but do not apply to the individual giving commitment of Active Members.

Active Members are required to attend and take an active role in board meetings and committee work. Members are expected to attend one meeting per year with in-person attendance strongly encouraged. Each Active Member is required to serve on at least one committee, outlined below.

Active Members will provide a brief biography and photo for publication and/or use as determined by the College. Active Members may not receive compensation from Washington State University.

Affiliate Members

Affiliate membership provides both a pipeline for new Active Members and to keep Active Members engaged as they complete their term and before being considered for any future terms. The number of Affiliate Members shall be determined by the officers, Dean and Senior Director of Development.

Affiliate Members may attend board meetings, either physically or virtually, and/or serve on board committees. Affiliate Members are required to make an annual donation, of any amount, to Murrow College. Affiliate Members do not hold voting privileges.

Board terms for Affiliate members are for three calendar years and begin in January following the fall in which the member is elected to the board. The term would complete in December of their final year. Affiliate members do not need to hold voting membership status before joining as Affiliates. There is no limit on the number of terms an Affiliate Member can serve, but Affiliate Members must fulfill participation responsibilities.

Emeritus Members

Emeritus membership is an honor bestowed by the Executive Committee and Dean. This membership status is not subject to term limits and lasts for the recipient’s lifetime. While not required, Emeritus Members are encouraged to attend board meetings, physically or virtually, and to financially support Murrow College.

III. Activities/Duties 

  • Lend professional expertise and advice to the Murrow Dean, faculty and staff regarding current industry practices and trends to ensure relevance and competitive advantage for Murrow students.
  • Serve as passionate advocates and champions for the College in the campus communities, the state of Washington, Pacific Northwest region and beyond.
  • Actively engage with businesses, professional groups, and other organizations to build ties and strengthen relationships for the College.
  • Mentor and coach Murrow students in collaboration with Murrow’s Center for Student Success and Career Services team.
  • Participate in Murrow on-campus activities (such as the annual Murrow Symposium) and in Murrow engagements and events elsewhere.
  • Participate in the nomination and selection of Hall of Achievement inductees.
  • Assist with private fundraising efforts to support College initiatives and activities through personal, corporate, and/or external sources.
  • Lead in giving by contributing to the College at the President’s Associates level as defined by the WSU Foundation.

IV. Nomination Process

The Nominating Committee shall consist of:

  • The MPAB Chair
  • The MPAB Vice Chair
  • Two members appointed by the MPAB Chair to provide additional diversity and to reflect the academic focus of current Murrow students.

At the Spring meeting, the MPAB Chair will call for nominations. Any current Active, Affiliate, or Emeritus Member of the MPAB, as well as the College Dean, the Murrow faculty, and staff may nominate new members. Names of prospective new members and any supporting information shall be submitted to the Chair. The nominating process will close thirty (30) days after the call for nominations.

In consultation with the Dean, prospective board members will be vetted by the Nominating Committee to ensure they:

  • Meet membership requirements established in these bylaws.
  • Have the skills and experience to support the academic focus and special needs of the Murrow College; and
  • Help ensure professional and personal diversity of the board that aligns with the increasing diversity of WSU students and academic areas of focus of current Murrow students. In striving for inclusive representation this may include, but not be limited to, age, gender, cultural differences, professional expertise, academic background, geography, and ethnicity.
  • The Chair, in consultation with the Dean, may identify additional requirements for board members.

Prospective Active Members are notified that they are being considered only after clearing the vetting process. The Chair or designated member of the Nominating Committee will contact a potential nominee to engage in an interest discussion and ensure the nominee understands and can meet all requirements of Board membership.

Thirty (30) days prior to the Fall MPAB meeting, the Chair will share a slate of qualified and interested candidates with the Board for its review. Members may notify the Chair of any concerns or request additional information on any candidate(s) during this time. The Chair will work with the Nominating Committee to determine if any concerns raised by members would preclude the nomination of any individual(s) from moving forward to a full vote at the Fall meeting.

The full slate of candidates will be presented to the Board at the Fall meeting for a formal vote. A nominee will be considered approved for membership by a simple majority of Board members voting in person or virtually at the Fall meeting. It is not appropriate for a nominated individual to attend the meeting (either in person or virtually) at which their nomination is voted on.

From time-to-time special candidates may come to the attention of the nominating committee out of the normal nomination cycle. In conversation with the Dean and the Nominating Committee, the individual may be presented for approval for active board membership during any regularly scheduled board meeting. This out-of-cycle nomination addresses exceptions to the nomination process and should be used sparingly.

V. Board terms, renewal and transition 

  • Board terms are for three calendar years and begin in January following the fall in which the me member is elected to the board. The term would complete in December of their final year.
  • Officer terms are for two years and may be renewed for an additional two-year term. Renewal of the chair’s term shall further result in the renewal of terms of the other officers for an additional two years.
  • Active Members can serve up to two consecutive three-year terms. At the end of
    those two terms, a board member can choose to become an Affiliate member. A departing member will participate in an exit interview with the chair and senior
    director of development.
  • Following an absence of one year, a past board member could be considered for renomination. Returning to Active Member status is not guaranteed.
  • Time spent as a vice-chair, chair or past-chair will not count against the two-term limitation or years of service. There will be special circumstances from time to time where terms may need to be extended for officers to complete their service.
  • Board members must fulfill participation requirements to be eligible for additional terms.
  • The nominating committee will consider both financial support and exemplary service for existing board members who wish to serve an additional term.
  • A board member shall automatically be considered inactive by not participating in three consecutive meetings of the board. Board members are expected to attend at least one meeting per year, in-person or virtually.
  • Inactive board members shall be subject to removal from the board. Such removal will be at the discretion of the officers of the board. The officers may consider extenuating circumstances, such as illness, in determining whether to change the status of the board member.
  • At their discretion, the officers may change the status of inactive members to affiliate.
  • The chair of the board and/or chair of the Membership Committee shall promptly notify any member of a change in membership status.

College staff, working in conjunction with the Membership Committee, shall maintain and make regularly available, current rosters of Active, Affiliate and Emeritus members.

VI. Chair of the Board

In consultation with the Dean, the chair will recruit a vice chair to serve a two-year term. The chair will preside at board meetings, coordinate activities of the board in support of its general purpose and work closely with the College Dean, Assistant to the Dean, and Development team. The chair will make board member assignments to committees, including committee chairs, at the fall board meeting.

Should the current chair need to resign their position during the term, the current vice chair will automatically succeed to the position of chair and complete the previous chair’s term. When the current vice chair moves to the chair role, a new vice chair will be selected by the chair and Dean and announced at the fall meeting of the board.

VII. Officers

The board officers shall include the chair, vice-chair and may include a secretary. The vice-chair succeeds the chair as they complete their service.

VIII. Committees

The board may establish permanent or temporary (ad hoc) committees or task forces to help achieve its objectives.

Committees shall include: Executive, Fundraising, Hall of Achievement, Internships, Membership, Mentors, Nominating, Symposium and may include Recent Graduates.

New committees must be approved by a simple majority vote of those attending a regular meeting plus those returning mail or electronic ballots.

While each committee can be composed of board members at large, including Affiliate and Emeritus members, who are appointed by the chair, the composition of the Executive Committee and Fundraising Committee shall include:

  • The executive committee shall consist of the officers and immediate past chair.
  • The fundraising committee will be jointly chaired by board chair and immediate past chair and will work closely with the College’s development director.

Each committee chair is responsible for creating or updating its Charter. The Executive Committee is responsible for creating or updating the Board Procedures and Processes Notebook (resource outlining guidelines, protocols, procedures, expectations). Individual committees will work toward goals that align with the College’s leadership in each of the designated committees.

IX. Meetings

The board will meet at least twice a year. A spring meeting will be held in Pullman in
conjunction with the College’s Murrow Symposium. A fall meeting will be held at a location selected by the Dean. Additional meetings may be called by the chair or Dean.

X. Bylaws

The bylaws should be reviewed once a year by the chair or their designee(s).