Seventeen students embarked on a new extended-stay Murrow student journey to the Mediterranean where a rich Eastern influence blends with the West. In a four-week study abroad experience, these students had a unique field learning opportunity to practice tackling real business challenges as creative media consultants for local Greek businesses.

Students problem-solved for a non-profit organization supporting Syrian refugees and homeless Greek children. Others created a social engagement plan for the city’s summer film festival. And more students built marketing communication plans and media for a local magazine, hotel, and family-run restaurant, each of which is concerned about the economic success around them.

Experiencing a new land, people, language, and culture was part of the planned excursion, and students were challenged to develop stories of the Greek way of life, scenes, and fixtures that surrounded them. Take a look at their stories, and look forward to next year’s global studies opportunities in both Greece and India during Summer 2018.

Explore Murrow Stories Abroad