Dave arrived at WSB-TV in January 2012 and it’s been non-stop ever since. He has covered most of the major stories that impact metro Atlanta from severe weather to major news events, including multiple presidential visits and investigative stories. 

He’s had a significant role reporting on national historical events, including the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, the 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama and the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Junior.  

As an anchor/reporter at WSB-TV, Dave can be seen on the morning show, the evening news and covering sporting events like the University of Georgia’s National Championship Game.  

He has won several Emmy awards including best anchor, continuing coverage and special reports.  

A native of Tacoma, Washington, Dave has worked in several news markets including Seattle, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, before making Atlanta his home.  A graduate of Washington State University, Dave has been a foundation trustee for his alma mater and a member of the university’s communications advisory board.  

A true believer in giving back, Dave joined the national bone marrow registry and has donated bone marrow to a 17-year-old with leukemia.

Always in the hunt for a good story, Dave can be reached at Dave.Huddleston@wsbtv.com

Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.