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Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

Ying-Chia L. Hsu

  1. Ph.D. Candidate
LocationMurrow Hall 241BA



Ying-Chia Louise Hsu is a Doctoral student at Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, and her research interests include health communication, environmental science, and information processing. She engages in health decision-making research among at-risk populations from media psychology and macro-societal perspectives by applying various methodological approaches, e.g., quantitative methods, social network analysis, and psychophysiological measures.

Ying-Chia’s work investigates how individuals make subjective judgments about a risk or hazard to better understand and predict human responses to novel risk events in society, as well as their health decision-making process. Several of her ongoing research projects include Alzheimer’s Disease communication and risk perceptions in Native communities, health discussion networks and misinformation on vaccination, effective strategies in promoting COVID-19 vaccination, and emotional well-being among vulnerable groups. Her dissertation aims to examine the dynamic risk perceptions about wildfire smoke hazards to design tailored and effective smoke warning messages to inform the public and also assist at-risk populations in making proper health decisions to reduce the potential harm of wildfire smoke hazards.


  • M.A., Communication, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
  • B.A., Advertising and Public Relations, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan (Minor in Business Administration)

Classes Taught

  • COM 101 – Media and Society (TA)
  • COM 102 – Public Speaking in the Digital Age (Instructor-of-record)
  • COM 105 – Communication in Global Contexts (TA)
  • COMSTRAT 380 – Advertising Principles and Practices (TA)
  • COMSTRAT 381 – Creative Media Strategies and Techniques for Advertising (TA)

Research Interests

  • Risk perceptions and at-risk populations
  • Health decision-making
  • Science and environmental communication
  • Media and health promotion
  • Social network analysis


  • 2019-2022, Keith and Turi Jackson Graduate Fellowship
  • 2019-2021, Scholarship to Study Abroad, conferred by The Ministry of Education, Taiwan.

Selected Publications

Boyd, A. D., Railey, F. A., Hsu, Y.-C., Kirkpatrick, A. W., Fyfe-Johnson, A., Muller, C., Buchwald, D. (In Press). Social media use among American Indian and Alaska Native People: Implications for risk communication strategies. International Journal of Indigenous Health.

David, P., Hsu, Y. -C., & Tao, C.-C. (2022). Gain in quantity and novelty of work in intermittent task switching. The Information Society, 38(4), 227-239.

Boyd A. D., Railey, A. F., Kirkpatrick, A. W., Hsu, Y.-C., Muller, C., & Buchwald, D. (2022). Communication about Alzheimer’s disease and research among American Indians and Alaska Natives. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions, 8(1), e12302.

Borah, P., Kim, S., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2022). “Masks don’t work”: COVID-19 misperceptions and theory-driven corrective strategies on Facebook. Online Information Review.

Huang, H. C., Li, H., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2022) Coping, COVID knowledge, communication, and HBCU student’s emotional well‐being: Mediating role of perceived control and social connectedness. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(6), 2703-2725.

Kirkpatrick, A., Park, M., Domgaard, S., Zhao, W., Steinberg, C. & Hsu, Y.-C. (2021). Vaccine videos and information sharing: The effects of framing, evidence type, and speaker expertise. Journal of Health Communication, 26(9), 608-617.

Borah, P., Hwang, J., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2021). COVID-19 vaccination attitudes and intention: Message framing and the moderating role of perceived vaccine benefits. Journal of Health Communication, 26(8), 523-533.

Borah, P., Irom, B., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2021). “It infuriates me”: Examining young adults’ reactions to and recommendations to fight misinformation about COVID-19. Journal of Youth Studies, 25(10), 1411-1431.

Lai, C.-H., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2019). Understanding activated network resilience: A comparative analysis of co‐located and co‐cluster disaster response networks. Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management, 27(1), 14-27.

Conference Presentations

Hsu, Y.-C., Kruger, J. G., Ellenwood, R., Willoughby, J., & Boyd, A. D. (2023, May). Modeling health behaviors on Instagram: A content analysis of Indigenous influencers’ COVID-19 messages [Paper presentation]. International Communication Association (ICA) conference (Intercultural Communication Division), Toronto, Canada.

Lee, Y.-I., Hsu, Y.-C., Phua, J., & Wu, T-Y. (2023, May). Modality vs. bandwagon cues in vaccine communication on social media: Effects of hope, celebrity images, and reaction icons on attitudinal and behavioral engagement [Paper presentation]. International Communication Association (ICA) conference (Communication & Technology Division), Toronto, Canada.

Boyd, A. D., Hsu, Y.-C., Muller, C., Bolls, P., Galvind, J., & Buchwald, D. (2022, September). Advancing Alzheimer’s Disease communication and recruitment science among American Indians and Alaska Natives [Paper presentation]. The University of Washington Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (UW ADRC) annual research symposium, Seattle, WA, USA.

Mayeda, A., Hsu, Y.-C., Kirkpatrick, A., Willoughby, J. F., & Boyd A. D. (2022, August). Bad for me or bad for the planet? An experiment examines the effect of drought framing on risk perception and water mitigation behavior [Poster presentation]. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference (Communicating Science, Health, Environment, & Risk Division), Detroit, MI, USA.

Lee, Y.-I., Hsu, Y.-C., Phua, J., Wu, T-Y., & Hachman, S. J. (2022, August). How does hope appeal, celebrity types, and emoticons encourage positive dialog towards COVID-19 vaccines? [Paper presentation]. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference (Mass Communication & Society Division), Detroit, MI, USA.

Hsuan, H.C., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2022, May). Vaccination intention among HBCU students: Significance of trust, perceived severity, benefits, barriers, and COVID vaccine information from health belief model perspective [Paper presentation]. International Communication Association (ICA) conference (Health Communication Division), Paris, France.

Lee, Y.-I., Bolls, P., Mu, D., Hsu, Y.-C., McKinnon-Crowley, J., Boyd, A. D, & Steinberg, C. (2022, April). The impact of emotional appeals and university branding on students’ response to Covid-19 messages [Poster presentation]. Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY, USA.

Hsu, Y.-C., Railey, F. A., Kirkpatrick, A. W., Boyd, A. D., Fyfe-Johnson, A., Muller, C., & Buchwald, D. (2021, December). Social media use among American Indian and Alaska Native People: Implications for risk communication strategies [Paper presentation]. Society for Risk Analysis Annual Conference. Virtual conference.

Borah, P., Irom, B., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2021, November). Examining young adults’ reactions to and recommendations to fight misinformation about COVID-19 [Paper presentation]. National Communication Association (NCA) conference (Mass Communication Division), Seattle, WA, USA.

Chang, P.-C., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2021, August). How social shoppers adopt information: The moderating role of social homophily and content provider motivation [Paper presentation]. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference (Communication Technology Division). Virtual conference.

Borah, P., Kim, S., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2021, April). “Masks don’t work”: COVID-19 misinformation perceptions and corrective strategies on Facebook [Poster presentation]. D.C. Health Communication conference, Washington, D.C., USA. Virtual conference.

Kim, S., Borah, P., & Hsu, Y.-C. (2021, April). Misinformation correction strategies to facilitate mask wearing and information seeking intentions during the COVID-19 crisis [Poster presentation]. D.C. Health Communication conference, Washington, D.C., USA. Virtual conference.

Park, M., Hsu, Y.-C., Domgaard, S., Zhao, W., & Steinberg, C. (2020, August). Brokerage combating misinformation: Examinations of health discussion networks and attitude toward child vaccination [Paper presentation]. Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) conference (Communicating Science, Health, Environment, & Risk Division). Virtual conference.

Hsuan, H.C., David, P., Hsu, Y.-C., & Tao, C.-C. (2020, May). Emotion and time assessment: High arousal images facilitate the assessment of time passed quickly and memory [Paper presentation]. International Communication Association (ICA) conference (Information Systems Division). Virtual conference.

Hsu, Y.-C., Kononova, A., Lin, C.-H., Muraro, I. S., Park, N.-R., & Hirsch, J. P. (2019, May). Blending in or standing out? The effects of brand familiarity in native and traditional advertising mobile videos on brand attitudes, memory, and purchase intention [Poster presentation]. International Communication Association (ICA) conference (Communication & Technology Division), Washington, D.C., USA.

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