Renee Metty, M.Ed is the Founder and CEO of With Pause®. She believes that one’s greatest asset is the quality of attention you bring to every aspect of your experience. With a M.Ed in Early Childhood, a M.Ed in Special Education, and a degree in Business Administration, Renee’s experience over the past 20 years helps everyone from the home office to the C suite. Through speaking, workshops and training, With Pause® boosts your ability to develop richer connections, manage stress, collaborate effectively, and renew your mental clarity. We work with businesses and schools of all sizes who are seeking clarity, calm, and a more meaningful life. Our approach cultivates mindfulness balanced with compassion while cultivating presence.

Renee Metty is also a Certified Body Language Trainer and helps people increase their influence, presence, and charisma by teaching inner game strategies to reflect outer game perceptions. At With Pause™, we want to bring moments of pause into your day to help increase your presence.